We must let the children try this new way of life and attempts by trial and error.

Also, gradually: – rules of life are developed in common, so felt and approved, and respected by all. Indeed, the collective material belongs to everyone. It allows a team. This presupposes an agreement, organization, regulation; – the educator must remove, safely and quickly, while climate of irresponsibility and fight, opposed to the spirit of collaboration. It may be that initially children do not have any cooperative way; hostile rivalries of clans, individual jealousies, social relations based on the law of the strongest, behavioral and conduct disorders may be a serious obstacle. It is precisely here that the educator must intervene to restore order, constantly acting on the acquisition of the spirit of cooperation; – educator knows minimize negative sanctions they remain a last resort and are distributed by the cooperative board and not by a cooperative, especially if it is the master. The sanctions are opposed by their very definition, any acquisition of the taste for work, at personal improvement effort. “The own difficult or delayed children is that they do not want, or can not comply, the penalty may, in some cases with normal students, an effect, be it a passenger. With difficult children, any punishment is totally lacking its purpose and only compounds the evil, these children are rebellious dressage. “(C. Freinet) 3. It opposes any bureaucratic form of organization. We must let the children try this new way of life and attempts by trial and error. The organization can not be the result of a more or less authoritarian office, more or less active, sometimes substituting for the old authority of the master, it is the work of all. It can not admit the “militarism” in the technical responsibilities. To do this, multiply shifts so that everyone has the two options: order and obedience. 4 °. The hotel self-management implies a unity of purpose, common aspirations. Indeed, the children inevitably suffer any loopholes in relations between adults who live with them. There must be a link between adults of a community that is strong spirit of cooperation; and this connection can only be a common desire to achieve a total education of children, and this in view of the civic, intellectual, moral, psychological, social, economic, democratic man of tomorrow, partner the decisions whatever they may be. 2 – OUR EXPERIENCE A) PRESENTATION OF EXPERIENCE This is an experiment attempted in I.M.P. for mentally retarded children and presenting related disorders. We relaterons the successive stages of this attempt and we will give some practical examples of structures and cooperative life. The experience here is on 6 years. 1. First and second year of a class constitution cooperative (big girls). No contributions – made no office – no statutes. But purchase of equipment to the production of a newspaper (print + limographe). Using the self-correcting files. corresponding request. BALANCE pretty achievements; of some work; an enthusiasm in children; awakening the interest of the surrounding adults. 2 °. Third year Choice of officials from the beginning of the year in that class. Another class means cooperates. Exchanges are the class of the great ways to that. Large initiate ways to investigative work, the painting, scrapbooking, the printing work. Two pages of the major newspaper are devoted to the ways texts. Games, common outputs, public reports are multiplying between these classes. Correspondingly, one begins the exchange of magnetic tapes. The director of the institution is interested in the cooperative aspect and children’s achievements. It tries to create a Cooperative Institution; but it will remain too formal. The meetings of leaders are still too artificial. 3 °. Fourth year The class of big girls exchange its work with that of the big boys are conquered and their mistress, in our type of work they buy Job Library, they make a journal, they come with us to visit a dairy. They realize an album, and we likewise; these albums are sent to a contest of O.C.C.E. and win a prize. In the house, adults and children consider this very constructive and interesting activity in these large classes. The means we continue to follow and make their own newspaper. A small class, in Q3 starts the free text, free drawing. Meetings teachers and children at the house are a little less rigid, but still unsatisfactory. Interesting work is undertaken at the boarding school. Big girls have the opportunity, with their teachers, to the market outside of school hours for domestic science. The school Christmas party is prepared at group level with the children, the teachers, the teacher. We invite educators to taste the dishes prepared in home economics. Children can continue boarding or classroom work begun (correspondence, painting, printing). We have confidence. 4 °. Fifth grade 1) At the classroom level: A Class Council – a status of elected officials-a more structured organization (over many meetings) – all this work is organized cooperatively. 2) At the Establishment – 4 published papers; – 3 meetings with group leaders, internship and classes; – participation of a teacher to the board of Cooperatives Department; – very real activity, but considered insufficient by all cooperators (red tape involved and lack of time …). 5 °. Sixth grade – 5 published papers – exchange trip with the corresponding (. 2 classes of I.M.P receive two classes of Decazeville); – increasingly rich and demanding activity; – the main difficulty, opposing the real enthusiasm of children and some adults of the house, is inertia, incomprehension of all adults. But children do not despair; they are brave, they give us the example, and with it all hopes are: advancing the Cooperative; she will live B) ABOUT THE JOURNAL COOPERARIVE It circulates in the class and is available to all; it replaces the murai newspaper found in some classes. It aims to prepare permanently meetings of the cooperative board (which will be powered in this way). It allows more time for children to express themselves freely. It reflects all aspects of the life of the small community, need to be discussed together. will someone do my homework
Here is what Freinet thought: “We, adults, when we face a discussion, we have the task of preparing in advance, on a memory aid, the points to be discussed. “Without the cooperative newspaper, children will obviously do nothing to discuss except what happened moments before. “With the newspaper, there will always be too …” In any case, the cooperative newspaper and reading in the cooperative are meeting / at to judge and punish. It is rather to seek together the technical and emotional solutions that can correct errors that occurred in the life of the community. “Neither judge nor rule or law. It is important that children are aware of the problems facing them. “REPORT OF A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COOPERATIVE CLASS Council of 27 April 1968. President Paulette, 14, group of large, Q.I. 80 (B. S.) 1. The President opened the meeting. 2 °. She reads the criticisms, comments, questions or suggestions that have been included in the class journal. (In some classes, this newspaper is wall; here, because of a lack of space for the display, we preferred a “turning newspaper”). 3 °. Each subject is taken up one by one, with trying to find solutions when necessary, or in order to bring to the attention of all some thoughts deserving consideration of the whole community. 4 °. Part One: I CRITICAL Notes Proposals – The tables are not deleted when it is needed – In the kitchen, tea towels are not changed often enough; it would change every Monday. – The cards are misclassified in the file problems. – Our newspaper is not as clean as that of the corresponding Decazeville.